Vintage Boutique Hotel i L'viv

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11, Serbska Street, 79000, L'viv, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 322 356 834
Latitude: 49.8408946, Longitude: 24.0335889
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Kommentar 5

  • Spencer Dickson

    Spencer Dickson


    The hotel is great - comfortable, delicious breakfast, softer water than most hotels, great location, and a fan that quiets the night life if you turn in early

  • Vadim Osipenko

    Vadim Osipenko


    Good place to stay in tge geart of historical city center.

  • Kaila Luttrell

    Kaila Luttrell


    The hotel is charming and very comfortable. The restaurant is delicious, the breakfast fantastic, and the staff very friendly. It's also in a great location--just a couple doors down from the chocolate factory!

  • Igor Mendzebrovski

    Igor Mendzebrovski


    Five star location. Very cozy rooms, but some might find them bit small. While this might be not the best choice for business traveler, it is one of the top location for private travel. Restaurant is very good, both for breakfast and for dinner (but still, it is hard to compete with hundreds of very good restaurants which are there within 5 minutes walk). I recommend this hotel for short holiday retreat to Lvov.

  • Maksim Kogan

    Maksim Kogan


    Liked the stay at the hotel. It's clean, tidy and the location in Lviv could not be better. They also serve a rather good breakfast. Some attention to details is missing though, for a 5 star rating. Would happily visit again if the coffee would be better and the coffee machine bigger.

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