Green 13 Cafe Vegan Kitchen i Kyiv

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Bessarabs'ka Square, 01004, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 98 294 0231
Latitude: 50.4423835, Longitude: 30.521533
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Kommentar 5

  • Feisal el Gharbawy

    Feisal el Gharbawy


    Its my number one place on Lviv though nowadays its called om nom nom. I can eat all of my meals here, which most of the days i do. Renovated to even better since last year. Now also cocktails available and a more evening drinks style atmosphere if that is what you're in to.

  • Dylan Filkins

    Dylan Filkins


    One of the best vegan fast food you can get out there. The place might be hard for foreigners to find but you just have to find the entrance to the market inside. It is NOT immediately outside the subway or the down by the metro. I got the Budda Bowl and it was impressive. A bowl packed with plenty of flavor and delight! I thought it was amazing that the business was also using eco friendly containers and utensils!

  • Aleksa Mil

    Aleksa Mil


    A great vegan place to check out when in Kyev. I ate as much as I could. Affordable.

  • Naman Jain

    Naman Jain


    Amazing vegan food and lovely environment. This stall is located in an indoor market and there isn't a lot of place to sit, so more of a take-away place. Very good vegan options and the falafel is really tasty.

  • bryan schaaf

    bryan schaaf


    Hipster Vegan Goodness. Step on up and place your order and then grab some groceries or a craft beer while you wait. The food here is delicious and ideal for a take home lunch. Thai style soup, pumpkin soup, green pea falafel, vegan burgers, etc. I've had most of the offerings and have been happy with them. Staff speak English.

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