Under The Roof i L'viv

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3, Saksahans'koho Street, 79000, L'viv, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 98 033 1122
Hjemmeside: www.deluxehostel.com.ua
Latitude: 49.83539, Longitude: 24.032906
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Kommentar 5

  • Domien Schelstraete

    Domien Schelstraete


    Good points: The room was clean. There was a mini-fridge and a TV. The bathroom was clean and spacious. The hotel has a good location, withing a few minutes wall you are at the Lviv city hall. Overall the hotel was okay but nothing more. Bad points: Staff spoke no English and was not very helpful. A kettle to make tea in the room would have been nice. The room was not cleaned during my stay. It would have been nice of them to take out the trash every day.

  • Asiar Asiar

    Asiar Asiar


    Pros: good location, only 5-10 min walk to Rynok square. Large and nice rooms, very clean bathroom . Great deal for it’s price! I would recommend this place to anyone who is light traveller. Cons: the biggest issue for me was the fact it’s on the 5th floor and the only way to get my heavy suitcase there was just carrying it all the way up!! So if you have luggage, opt other places.

  • Oleksiy Budyak

    Oleksiy Budyak


    It's not the first time we visited this place. Basically, I'd not called it a hostel - it's a hotel with shared bathroom. Cozy, clean, comfortable, great location. Highly recommended!

  • Ana-Maria Brînză

    Ana-Maria Brînză


    This is a good place to stay. It is really close to city center and there are good conditions in here and that is not very expensive




    Arrived late here.staff had tried to contact us.rang home num and were assured of our arrival!!The Hostel is of Hotel quality .Our rooms were with shared bathroom but due to high cleanliness standards was not a problem.Some people might find the stairs a bit much but exersise is a good pastime.Central location all tickety boo

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