TSUNAMI SPA (Цунами SPA) i Dnipro

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Soborna Square, 12-а, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Ukraine, 49000
Kontakter telefon: +380 68 900 0020
Hjemmeside: tsunami.com.ua
Latitude: 48.4572423, Longitude: 35.0691744
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Kommentar 5

  • Ionut Ostafe

    Ionut Ostafe


    If you want to relax Tsunami is the place to go

  • Natalia A.S.

    Natalia A.S.


    The best SPA in the world, so far...

  • Natalia Giakimenko

    Natalia Giakimenko


    A great place for relax. The facilities are impressive, very functional and with a great approach as for the baths of the world. Try one of the treatments they offer in the baths ( I tried one in the slavian movnitsa and it was really amazing!) A must place to visit being in the city be prepared to have a lot of hours to stay as much as you can... heaven on earth truly!

  • Nacht Link

    Nacht Link



  • M R

    M R


    Pretty nice, but unfortunately didn't get a refund for a missing night I booked for 5 night and paid for it but I left in the 3rd night unfortunately I didn't get a refund!!!

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