TIU Chernivtsi Backpackers hostel i Chernivtsi

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2/39, ulitsa Andreya Sheptitskogo, 58000, Chernivtsi, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 50 885 7049
Latitude: 48.2930962, Longitude: 25.9363452
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Kommentar 5

  • z a

    z a


    You get what you paid for..

  • Dima Butyrin

    Dima Butyrin


    We booked it but when we arrived and tried to check-in we realized that the place is closed. No one answered our phone calls and doorbell is switched off.

  • Daniel Rozenberg

    Daniel Rozenberg


    Be careful!!! A scam! When you'll arrive those rude teenagers will tell you that they don't have your reservation! Thier excuse is that the owner has changed! They Will "help" you find an alternative, obviously more expensive! Stay away from TIU!

  • Travel Junkies

    Travel Junkies


    loceted in the very center of the city, nice social atmosphare and very friendly and helpfull stuff, recommended

  • rob hansen

    rob hansen


    An absolute disaster the guy who owns it is a drunken alcoholic from England that has a personal hygiene issue, and he is known to come back to the hostel drunk at 4 in the morning and start playing music and will wake up everyone sleeping in the hostel.. Talks a lot of BS. about his big plans and ideas for the hostel empires he will be starting in Ukriane... AVOID AVOID AVOID

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