Theatre Boutique Apart-Hotel i Kyiv

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10, Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho Street, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraina
Kontakter telefon: +380 93 017 3344
Latitude: 50.446142, Longitude: 30.517237
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Kommentar 5

  • Vadim Palkevicius

    Vadim Palkevicius


    Отель красивый. Ресепшен хороший. Дружелюбный. Апортаменты не дорогие :)

  • Ingrida Kasecka

    Ingrida Kasecka


    The location is perfect! Metro station is less than 2 min away. I had one of the cheapest options but the room was nice and 98 %clean, the only thing disappointed me was a pillow and lack of hairdryer. The apartments are located in 2 different blocks in my case reception was in different building but next door. If you travel with a lot of bags would not advise because the lift fits only 1 person, first time in my life I saw that tiny elevator. The walls are quite tiny and lacks the isolation. Overall advised for location and price only

  • Michelle Lloyd

    Michelle Lloyd


    You walk through an alleyway to get there. The ground outside is very uneven and there is no lighting at night time please take a torch I sprained my ankle. Then choice of lift lottery or stairs with blinking lighting (if you're epileptic this is not a good hotel for you). Shower is a death trap as the floor is uneven. I wanted a nice relaxing bath but the water was green. Don't drink the water. The room was very hot and a there was a pungeant smell but no worries just put the air con on. Apart those things everything else was fine. Reasonable price and housekeeping was good.

  • Mi No

    Mi No


    The location of the hotel is the best part. From here we could reach every spot easily. There are a lot of good restaurants and cafés in this area. The pics of the room look better than in reality. Or we only got one of the lower class rooms. We were disappointed. The room was clean and smelled quite new but it felt not comfortable. The entree of the main building was quite dark. Furthermore the elevator was quite narrow and just gave space for 2 person or one person plus a small suitcase. The staff could not speak English but was friendly and helpful.

  • Илья Софьянц

    Илья Софьянц


    Ребята, даже не думайте заказывать этот "отель". началось с того, что "отель" располагается во дворах, поэтому 1) его трудно найти 2) нет подъезда ко входу, как и свободной парковки в радиусе километра. затем зашли мы в грязный убогий подъезд, ресепшен находится на втором этаже. И тут сюрприз: лифт не работает. ну да ладно, думаю, подниму все свои 4 чемодана на второй этаж.. поднял, назвал секретный пароль в виде моего имени и парень начал меня регистрировать. И вот в процессе регистрации выясняется, что номер мой в соседнем подъезде на 6 этаже и там тоже не работает лифт. При этом парня этого не смутили ни мои 4 чемодана, ни маленький ребенок. Пообещал мне вещи помочь донести. одно порадовало: деньги за бронирование вернули особо без прериканий.

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