Solopizza i Kyiv

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12, вул. Хрещатик, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 391 2233
Latitude: 50.4516005, Longitude: 30.5257368
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Kommentar 5

  • Olga Borysenko

    Olga Borysenko


    Been here several times after a long walk with kids - place is lovely for families. It is easy to get here even if you are with a pram. Waiters are really friendly and helpful. Interior is nice and simple. The sofas are perfect for big groups.

  • S P

    S P


    Surprisingly good. Especially considering initial tacky feeling off the decor. Food better then you'd expect from a generic place, even nice authentic flair to it. Get the outside seating, if you can: there are hookahs and if you are not a fan - at least some smell will get to you inside

  • Martin Gould

    Martin Gould


    A wide selection of very decently priced pizzas. I was particularly greedy and was going to order 2 medium pizzas but was told that they were quite big. So I plumbed for 1 pizza, a Ceasars salad and a beer, still greedy but i was hungry. i was definitely not hungry afterwards. The food was nice enough and the staff helpful. It is particularly fairly priced because of its location, it is right in the centre

  • Tom O'Dell

    Tom O'Dell


    Needs renovation and service is a little slow. Great prices, decent food, power outlet at each table and comfortable seating booths.

  • Hasan ATILGAN

    Hasan ATILGAN


    Good and very thin pizza. Moment discounts are valid only for pizza. They charge additional 10 % for service on pre discounted prices. Toilets are good and clean enough.

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