Senator Victory Square i Kyiv

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62/20, Dmytrivska Street, 01054, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 220 0555
Latitude: 50.452604, Longitude: 30.4892031
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Kommentar 5

  • Ian Robert Pringle

    Ian Robert Pringle


    Well appointed hotel. Clean. Convenient location. Helpful and courteous staff. Recommended.

  • aligibbster 1

    aligibbster 1


    Awesome experience from all the staff there. What an awesome team

  • Hrvoje Fadiga

    Hrvoje Fadiga


    A really nice aparthotel on a great location and with a pleasant staff. I was positively surprised by the size of the room and the level of equipment one can find there (a coffee machine, an iron, a spacious fridge, a washing machine, everything was there). There is nothing negative I could think of.

  • Eric Leader

    Eric Leader


    The hotel is clean and nice but the most important part of choosing a hotel is the people that work there. The Irina’s at the front desk and their assistants were beyond helpful and so nice and just a pleasure and the door men / security guys go above and beyond to take you to the pharmacy or store at night. Thank you for everything to the staff. Great place to stay.

  • Adam Elboim

    Adam Elboim


    I was surprised to see that Senator Victory Square was really a furnished corporate apartment. VERY nice features, such as heated bathroom floors, full kitchen, sofa, TV. Really great quality. Breakfast in the morning was at an attached cafe, and the quality was also very good. The only thing that was lacking was the neighborhood. There is a trolly outside that is a little noise in the morning (nothing at night, which is great). I didn't see any restaurants within view, but I know there are some within a few blocks. I would definitely consider staying here again because the comfort is so good.

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