Premier Palace i Київ

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5-7/29 T. Shevchenka Blvd. Pushkinska St.,, Київ, Ukraine, 01004
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 244 1200
Latitude: 50.442261, Longitude: 30.517463
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Kommentar 5

  • Janus Anderson

    Janus Anderson


    Nice hotel. Disappointed that the second most expensive hotel in Kiev doesn't include breakfast unless you get an executive suite (and the additional cost is very high if you add it)

  • Zoran Katić

    Zoran Katić


    Nice hotel, nice location with good staff. It is a shame that this will be my last stay here because they strangely don't treat repeat customers well. Each time I came my room was a little bit worse and this time room is lower standard than other cheaper hotels.

  • Benedek Gagyi

    Benedek Gagyi


    This hotel is super fancy, as you'd expect. The breakfast is incredible: they serve a huge selection of continental and Ukrainian foods. The live piano music is a nice plus. It's huge, so finding your room might prove tricky.

  • Andrea Baldan

    Andrea Baldan


    Hotel is very nice and the roof garden is spectacular. Unfortunately I got a very basic small room (single occupancy) as the hotel was all full, with a view of a wall and internal courtyard. Staff very friendly through

  • Marc Maynard

    Marc Maynard


    The is a first class hotel. The elevators have a smart key operated floor limitation control. The room power is enabled by inserting your key in a socket by the door as you enter. The bed is comfortable. The bathroom floor and towel rack are heated. There is an in room safe. Valet parking. One word of caution, there is a cabaret adult show in a theater room. It is somewhat discreetly advertised and completely avoidable. (That is why only 4 stars)The pool has a children's time slot at 4:00 pm. The hotel is located an easy walk to the square. The staff speaks English. Traffic is horrible in Kyiv around 3-6pm plan accordingly. I would definitely return.

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