Optima Kherson i Kherson

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проспект Ушакова, 43, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73000
Kontakter telefon: +380 552 493 333
Hjemmeside: reikartz.com
Latitude: 46.6393379, Longitude: 32.6140577
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Kommentar 5

  • Vladislav Drivinieks

    Vladislav Drivinieks


    good location, good accomodations HOWEVER EVERYTHING WAS SPOILED by some staff at reception - which invented hidden ways guess to squeeze money from me and my Family / so the story: I was doing business trip and due to busy days failed to inform staff in advance that I gonne prolong my stay - as a result within 15 minutes to deadline they simply squeezed my wife and son out of room in a rather rude wording way / via my colleagues [we have contract with Reikartz] I applied to hotel network Regional Office for support aiming if necessary at changing the room however even our appointed regular manager failed to settle the matter - there was lack of swift communications between National/Regional Office and local hotel - so we feel completely unprotected due to some monkey business generated by the hotel staff - as a result I lost few hours of precious business time to move out - find - settle at another accomodations /// THE OUTCOME: I WILL NEVER SETTLE AT REIKARTZ/OPTIMA HOTEL OF KHERSON AGAIN ! if you are ready to pay for monkey business matters and support some low-qualified staff private pockets - WELCOME TO OPTIMA KHERSON

  • Yana Fedyk

    Yana Fedyk


    Probably the best hotel in Kherson. Extremely comfortable rooms (beds, bathtubs, armchairs, lights). Breakfast is absolutely amazing, featuring a great amount of dishes to choose from. The Ukrainian cheesecakes and crêpes were the best. Coffee break meals, lunches and dinners of buffet style were very delicious and had many options (salmon cooked on steam in particular). The staff is helpful and friendly, especially the check-in reseptionist and restaurant waitresses. There is an ironing room and 2 conference rooms - perfect for business travellers.

  • Larysa Bugaychenko

    Larysa Bugaychenko


    Clean rooms and sheets. Modest breakfast. Nevertheless it is the best hotel in the city for business travelers

  • Sean Stevens

    Sean Stevens


    Comfortable place to stay in Kherson. Good price for the quality. Decent breakfast. Small but newer rooms. Safes in rooms and cheap minibar.

  • Vitaliy Tykhonovych

    Vitaliy Tykhonovych


    It's alright. However, there could be shortages of hot water in the morning

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