Yaroslav Mudryi National Library of Ukraine i Kyiv

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1, vulytsya Naberezhno-Khreshchatyts'k, 04070, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 278 8512
Hjemmeside: nlu.org.ua
Latitude: 50.4607391, Longitude: 30.5248031
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Kommentar 5

  • Анастасия Корчак

    Анастасия Корчак


    I love this library very much, I go to study and work when I can't concentrate at home. Although recorded in another library of a larger scale, I always return to this one for my comfort. I go mostly to the reading room. It is very comfortable, there is a sofa where you can relax and read, there are tables near the window, with pots of indoor flowers, there is always enough light. There are extension cords with sockets. When I went with a laptop, I never had a problem connecting. Wi-Fi is weak, but enough for average needs. Remarkably, there is a toilet. The librarians are silent, they do not distract with conversation (for which we thank them!). The only thing is that at times they scan a ton of books and the continuous squeaking from the scanner, like in a supermarket at the checkout for about twenty minutes, is a little annoying, but you quickly stop paying attention. There are computers, you can always come to work. Large selection of magazines and newspapers. And still nothing distracts from work. I love sitting there when it rains. I really love this library and sincerely recommend it.

  • Ostap Khanko

    Ostap Khanko


    A modern well-equipped library, comfortable for the visitor. A large collection of pre-revolutionary literature. There are sockets for laptops, which is very convenient. Clean, fresh. Friendly staff. The only downside is that it is forbidden to photograph the publication.

  • Валерий Ставиченко

    Валерий Ставиченко


    I rarely visited, probably because of the virus. In general, it was a pleasant experience, the staff was excellent.

  • Катерина Лебедєва

    Катерина Лебедєва


    The pandemic forced everyone to change, except for this library. To order literature (even if you already know the code), you need to write the data (surname, reader number, date, name and author of the book, year of publication, code) twice on the form. Twice! For every book! It takes a few minutes and, accordingly, extends the time spent in the library premises. Although it has long been possible to order literature online, on the library's website. Disinfection measures are carried out twice a day. From the huge reading room, all readers are expelled to the hall for half an hour. Yesterday, for example, there were only two readers: me and a young man with a book of Confucius. It is impossible to read in the hall: there are doors to two rooms, an elevator and an exit to the stairs, and a library employee makes an appointment by phone for "kidney ties". In order to hand in literature during these half hours, you need to knock hard on the door of the reading room and listen to the fact that those who allow you to hand in literature are doing you a favor. The librarians do not accept criticism and occasionally stray into the Russian language. What disinfection measures do they carry out after expelling these two unfortunate readers? They didn't even open the window to ventilate! And the temperature at the entrance is not measured, although it is easy to arrange just that. Shame and shame, the central library of Kyiv!

  • Анастаська Дорошенко

    Анастаська Дорошенко


    Super 💓 and super

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