National Sports Complex “Olympiyskiy” i Kyiv

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55, Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 590 6751
Latitude: 50.4334058, Longitude: 30.521856
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Kommentar 5

  • Dickey S. Rajh-Gopaul Naicker

    Dickey S. Rajh-Gopaul Naicker


    Cannot complain.. 1st class venue with all amenities in place... Pity about the result though. Lol

  • Ankur Sengupta

    Ankur Sengupta


    Amazing experience. Been here for the UCL2018 finals. Great people too

  • Torben Hvolmgaard Sørensen

    Torben Hvolmgaard Sørensen


    In recent times, this stadium is best known for hosting the CL final 2017/18. Here Real Madrid won 3-1 against Liverpool. With this victory, Real Madrid accomplished an impressive real hat-trick, which - at the time of writing - makes Zinedine Zidane unbeaten as a coach in the Champions League.

  • Ivan Voitenko

    Ivan Voitenko


    huge modern stadium with 70,000 seats. underground and above-ground parking. hotels, pubs and medical clinics all around. there is a huge square at the stadium to keep the same huge queue. now it is the home arena of «Dynamo Kyiv» but we are happy to invite all of you to the Champions League final. besides, you can at the same time visit the Klichko brothers museum at the stadium (champions in super-heavyweight boxing). one drawback, this is the unfinished Sheraton hotel. it is empty and ghostly like Chernobyl.

  • Khristy King

    Khristy King


    This National sports complex has the best stadium in Ukraine, Where only major sporting events are hosted. It has different conference halls. It's situated in the centre of Kiev, close to a five star hotels and magnificent restaurants.

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