Mozart i Kherson

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Yaroslava Mudroho Street, 73009, Kherson, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 50 939 3000
Latitude: 46.635418, Longitude: 32.605106
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Kommentar 5

  • taskin taskakan

    taskin taskakan


    calm and peace place very good dishes prices are okay

  • Maksym Fomichov

    Maksym Fomichov


    Nice place.

  • Allen MacCannell

    Allen MacCannell


    Always a good meal

  • Viktoriia Khokhlova

    Viktoriia Khokhlova


    Awful service. I had a glass of wine with a fly inside. When I requested to change it there was not a single apology from the waiter. At the end they charged me for 2 glasses. Our waiter could not speak English, but found himself in a position to teach my boyfriend (without asking) how to eat pasta (rude). Last, but not least, while all other tables had a jug of water and bread sticks served without requesting it we were not offered this service. And the taxi driver that was called from this restaurant did not know the city at all, not to mention that he was extremely impolite. All in all, Mozart is a pretentious place that aims to be the best restaurant in town, but can't provide a proper training for its employees. Service was of a highest disappointment.

  • Kate



    Nice view opening right from the summer terrace!

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