Litera Hotel i Dnipropetrovs'k

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8, Troitska Street, 49000, Dnipropetrovs'k, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 95 604 6200
Latitude: 48.46217, Longitude: 35.042684
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Kommentar 5

  • Catherina Paryhina

    Catherina Paryhina


    Awesome hotel! We wanted to book with non-cash payment. Talking with book-keeper about documents we need to provide. As a result of boorish communication with an incompetent book-keeper, we decided not to go. With such personnel it is difficult to guess what kind of service will be. Ужасный отель! Хотели забронировать с безнальной оплатой. Уточняли по документам. В результате хамского общения с некомпетентной бухгалтершой, решили не ехать. С таким персоналом сложно догадаться какой там сервис. UPD The next day I posted this review I had a call from this book-keeper, who threaten me. I cold to hotel to speak with management about this situation and asked for stopping it. After all I have a paper that they will sue me for my review and i should say sorry for them. Also in this document said that I didn't provide them documents (totally crazy, cause I cold to answer how we could booking and was interesting to live in that place) It is so awful service and totally silent from management. Shame on you!

  • Rob Billson

    Rob Billson


    Extremely helpful staff and comfortable rooms. The staircase is beautiful. The Arizona Restaurant/Bar is right outside the entrance which is great for a easy feed.

  • Robin West

    Robin West


    Amazing Hotel. Staff was wonderful and always available to help with any request. Very beautiful rooms. Comfortable, welcoming, and convienient. All around the most excellent stay. Next time I will make sure to stay there longer.

  • Denis Chernysh

    Denis Chernysh


    Nice cosy place with friendly personnel

  • Steve Thomas

    Steve Thomas


    Good quality, clean, spacious rooms. Friendly, helpful staff, even though they didn't speak much English. Spasibo!

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