InterContinental Kyiv i Kyiv

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2A, Velyka Zhytomyrska Street, 01001, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 219 1919
Latitude: 50.4555711, Longitude: 30.5193655
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Kommentar 5

  • Angela Lau

    Angela Lau


    Could’ve got five stars but the gym is toooooo small! I loved the breakfast (eggs cooked anyway you want), the location, the pillow menu and the rooftop bar!

  • Yaroslav Kerget

    Yaroslav Kerget


    Great hotel with a cool infrastructure! Not cheat certainly but everything is made you feel comfortable and relaxed. Has pretty nice ballroom for different conferences and other type of events. Hotel also has couple tasty restaurants inside and telling to look notch rooftop bar called B-Hush located on 11 floor with a magnificent views of Kyiv and tasty hookahs.

  • Wilson Varghese

    Wilson Varghese


    We had dinner at their restaurant. I forget the name. The food and wine were excellent. The restaurant has matching excellent service

  • Ricardo Santos

    Ricardo Santos


    Very nice place as you would expect! Awesome rooms with lots of space! Recommend

  • Aaron Jarman

    Aaron Jarman


    You get what you expect at the Intercontinental. Rooms wrre spacious and comfortable, services and staff were attentive and happy to help. Breakfast is good but nothing out of this world. The coffee is quite good.

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