Hotel Khreschatyk Kiev i Kyiv

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14, Khreschatyk Street, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 596 8004
Latitude: 50.45126, Longitude: 30.525362
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Kommentar 5

  • Black Sheep

    Black Sheep


    Fantastic hotel in the centre of Kiev. The rooms were clean and spacious. Breakfast with good selection of foods. Good service from staff. The pool closed at 1 in the afternoon, which was a bit weird. Would stay here again. Recommended




    Superb experience..amazing break fast..too good believe it..all facilities 10/ 10..highly recommended..Alex is very very helpful from concierge team..nice location..attentive staff..overall Excellent

  • Wyatt Stookey

    Wyatt Stookey


    Probably best hotel in center of Kiev. On Khreschatyk st. Which is the main street in center. It has a 24hr restaurant and bar for travelers. Service is amazing and most speak English. You cant go wrong staying here but a little pricey to me personally. My room was amazingly clean and all the amenities. Enjoy your stay!

  • Dmitry Shust

    Dmitry Shust


    Great place to have a lunch. Great location at the city center. Big event hall, great menu, delicious drinks and a very decent service. I can recommend it for anything kind of parties and events.

  • Sharon Solomon

    Sharon Solomon


    A lovely, clean and sweet hotel in the smack center of Kiev. Everything you need is a 2-minute walk away - Supermarket, Metro, Pubs, Diners and Coffee Stalls. Being on the main road, there are also a lots of shopping joints (Nike, Hugo Boss, Gucci and more). The staff is very polite and helpful. Rooms were clean and tidy. Bathroom had hot water and the AC was perfect. Breakfast was OK and can be improved. But in general, simply a great hotel. If you are new to Kiev or don;t speak Russian, this is the place to stay!

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