Gar'is Hostel i Kyiv

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11, Leonida Pervomais'koho Street, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 67 877 3993
Latitude: 50.433719, Longitude: 30.533035
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Kommentar 5

  • György Szabó

    György Szabó


    Good place for good price. Ideal to stay here during a 3-4 days long city tour.

  • Omar Jabri

    Omar Jabri


    Feels a bit more like social housing than a hostel. Good location and cheap so there is that. Internet is fine.

  • Adam Zink

    Adam Zink


    The walls are very thin, people are very noisy till after midnight, always slamming doors. I’m not sure if they clean the toilets. Showers are fine with plenty of hot water. The overall place seems small and darker than pictured. Metro is close, which is nice. Would not stay here again.

  • Lukas Frisch

    Lukas Frisch


    When I came to the hostel the staff welcomed me very friendly and showed me around. When I entered my room I told them, that I can't sleep there. It was just too stinky. I was waiting for around one hour and they tried to find a solution. I got a single room for the first night without extra charge and the second night I paid the difference. It was a good solution for all of us. The location is very central but I still didn't like it because you have to walk a little bit to be close to the action.

  • Hasan ATILGAN

    Hasan ATILGAN


    I recommend Gar'is Hostel Kiev. Feel like at home.

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