Delice i L'viv

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8, Ulasa Samchuka Street, 79000, L'viv, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 322 970 454
Latitude: 49.8215972, Longitude: 24.0279792
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Kommentar 5

  • Francesco Dimech

    Francesco Dimech


    Great place for a relaxing stay. Food is great and staff is nice. Recommended

  • Kuldar K

    Kuldar K


    Best accomodation in Lviv

  • Daniel Bosque Visokos

    Daniel Bosque Visokos


    Very good and comfortable. High level service. I would like to come back here again.

  • Akshay Bhattacharjee

    Akshay Bhattacharjee


    Unfortunately I don't believe that Delice Hotel is worth 4 stars. On the first day itself we asked the staff to replace the minibar fridge since it was not working but it took them 2 days to get a replacement. The receptionist was also not professional as she asked me to check the fridge and see if switching it off and on would resolve the issue. I told her it's not a laptop and that we are paying money for the entire room and service.  The breakfast was something weird which I've never seen before. We had to literally ask for tea and coffee since there were no kettles or thermos flasks kept at the breakfast table. After enquiring we got to know that we need to order for omelettes since it would be made as per orders of the guests. Even the milk was cold and the staff didn't bother to refill the butter, crossaints etc once they were over. The bathroom looked great but the shower had no pressure and made such an annoying sound when in use. The exhaust in the bathroom did not work. The windows were double glazed but still air was able to seep through it. The hotel restaurant had loud speakers kept outside in the garden playing loud music till 10 which was also quite uncomfortable specially if you have kids and want them to sleep by 9. The restaurant needs to make sure that they check the amount of weight they claim for the price they are charging. Unfortunately the food in the hotel's restaurant is not worth the price. On the last day it took 20 min for the check out since there was no one at the reception and only the maid was available. They were also unable to book us a taxi to the airport which I think is very pathetic.  I was really shocked with all the great and good comments about the hotel that I personally found to be unsatisfactory.  I really want this review to be printed since others should not face the same issues that we faces during our stay.

  • Елена Деиф

    Елена Деиф


    This hotel doesnt go for 4*. It deserve 3*. The place itself is nice, rooms are ok. But service n food are awful. Reception desk is slow n dont really care about guest. For breakfast they dont put hot meals for open buffet. I had to ask myself all the time: i need warm milk, i need tea, omlet , porriage etc... if u dont tell them noone offers u. Hence drink n eat cold. Few times they just forgot my order. Prices in restaurant are too high with that kind of food they give. So advice is not to eat in restaurant. The shower wasnt work properly ( always made irritating sound), n thru the window I heard loud music n felt at night cold wind. Hence we had Deluxe room, not standard. We had to ask 2 days to fix not working fridge in the room. The only advantages are location in park n children's indoor n outdoor playground.

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