Chichikov i Kharkiv

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6/8 Gogolya str., Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine, 61000
Kontakter telefon: +380 57 752 2333
Latitude: 49.997203, Longitude: 36.235343
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Kommentar 5

  • Muzaffer AYKILIÇ

    Muzaffer AYKILIÇ


    Everythig was great. But room service was terrible

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    Very lovely hotel with 10 floors in the center of Kharkiv. Few minutes from Zerkal'naia struya fontain- one of viewsites of the city and theater. Very polite service, clean rooms, beautiful furnishings and nice views. Tasteful and fresh breakfast . Prety quite for hotel in the center of the city. Next time in the city we will stay there .

  • Ed S.

    Ed S.


    I have traveled all I over the world to more than 58 countries. I have stayed extensive time at 5 star hotels. This hotel is like being at home. The staff is wonderful and friendly. The rooms as well. The morning breakfast is great.

  • Rick Siepierski

    Rick Siepierski


    Very clean and economically priced hotel. Good English speaking staff and the food is great.

  • Birsan Vasile

    Birsan Vasile


    Very nice place to stay. Spacious rooms and clean. The restaurant food is very tasty and also looking very good. The staff is very kind and serving is excellent.

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