Zhovten Сinema i Kyiv

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26, Kostiantynivska Street, 02000, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 428 5757
Hjemmeside: zhovten-kino.kiev.ua
Latitude: 50.4684062, Longitude: 30.5101691
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Kommentar 5

  • Лизавета Ляляева

    Лизавета Ляляева


    Best movie theater in town. Historical, cozy, made and treated with love. They show movies without dubbing and have special shows for parents with little kids. Also there's always some short-movie shows going in a little private hall with something like from 10 to 15 seats. Little belowed warm place for all creative people in Kyiv))

  • Alexandra Chernikova

    Alexandra Chernikova


    Nice place (especially post-renovation). Screen a bit smallish and placed too high.

  • David Arabiat

    David Arabiat


    I'm giving it 5 stars because it shows movies in English every now and then .. so a big thanks for them. The cinema itself is not bad either. The main hall is big and nice with good sound quality

  • Nana Cat

    Nana Cat


    Always great. Comfortable seats, actually tasty popcorn (finding a good one is harder than some might think, haha). Easy way to print tickets bought online. Everything is clean and wonderful. Movies in English available usually on the weekends.

  • Oksana Kopanitsyna

    Oksana Kopanitsyna


    Place left a good impression. By mistake I bought a ticket to another date, which I had found out only a couple minutes before the movie started, but the administrator solved this situation and let me in. It's not a huge place like some modern cinemas, but all basic facilities are there. I've been only in a small two-rows hall, but chairs were comfortable and screen well positioned. I'll try to go here again. Update: I visited it again and though the cinemahall was about 10 raws, the chairs again were comfortable as well as the screen for eyes to watch. Also they often have movies in original languages and festivals.

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