Shooters i Київ

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вулиця Московська, 02000, Київ, місто Київ, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 254 2024
Latitude: 50.4372623, Longitude: 30.5443728
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Kommentar 5

  • Rico Macho

    Rico Macho


    This a wonderful an a amazing place.. I live in Kiev almost 10 years and I can say that this is a place where you can have fun ,sing and dance how much you want , so I recommend you to spend your time for sure in shooters. They are open 24 hours at day. Love you shooters!!!!

  • Marko Tootsi

    Marko Tootsi


    Where there first time with firends. The service was so slow we waited almost a one hour our food. Asked many time from waitres but they egnored even if It was sunday evening. and then the food was over solted.

  • В'ячеслав Марусик

    В'ячеслав Марусик


    I like this place. It serves breakfast early in the morning. It's so rare for Kiev, especially if you want something more than coffee and croissant. Good kitchen, friendly staff, all in all do worth wisiting.

  • Jeffrey Love

    Jeffrey Love


    You can get a pint a beer in this city for 25 UAH and they were trying to sell me a drink for 220 UAH, which I thought was a little too pricey, £6.60. Worth mentioning the women will come up wanting you to buy a drink which I did. Spent quiet a bit that night and left feeling by the staff that I had not spent enough.

  • bob



    We love coming here! This is our weekend supper spot! Great portions. Everything was delicious. Very Friendly staff. Offered us great service and we drank a great white wine very cool, that matched well. In the end we were astonished even the dessert very good chocolate cake.

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