Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil i Kyiv

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Bratskaya Street, 04070, Kyiv, Kyiv City, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 44 393 1373
Hjemmeside: www.radissonblu.com
Latitude: 50.4634752, Longitude: 30.5209516
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrei Dinu

    Andrei Dinu


    Always a good place to stay in, rooms are large, bed is comfortable. The air conditioning turns itself on during the night, even though I turn it off, which can be quite a problem if you don't sleep covered.

  • Jinah jang

    Jinah jang


    very nice location, comfort room. However when I call for room service, the staff was rude (the way she talks) and she was keep signing, make me feeling bad.

  • Dmitriy Muktarov

    Dmitriy Muktarov


    Nicely located right in the heart of the old Podil Area in Kiev within 20 minutes walk from the city centre. Staff is very friendly and everyone can speak English. A little bit disappointed with breakfast, if you did not come down early enough, food choices are limited, but it's a common thing in many hotels globally. Shower/bath is good, all the hotel amenities are there. If you order a taxi and need a proper receipt please advise the desk upfront, otherwise, taxies they call will not have taxi meters installed, or dedicated receipt blanks. Kiev, at least the central part of it is safe with fantastic choice of lounge cafes, restaurants and shops. All in all, price wise, service and food quality and this hotel quality is strongly recommended.

  • Rocio M.

    Rocio M.


    Comfortable rooms. Great breakfast. But the network in the 6th floor was terrible. I couldn’t prepare my visit to the city from the room, I couldn’t do the checking of my flight. It was a horrible experience. A four stars hotel shouldn’t offer a network like this to the customers. So disappointed.

  • C. G.

    C. G.


    Great hotel. I’m a big fan of Radisson blu. This was up to standards. The rooms were great. However, I was rather disappointed with the breakfast. The variety and choice was rather small. Also, they didn’t have a pool or sauna which I would expect in a cold place like Kiev in winter.

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