Dnipro i Cherkasy

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13 вул. Фрунзе, Cherkasy, Черкаська, Ukraine, 18000
Kontakter telefon: +380 472 360 199
Hjemmeside: hoteldnipro.ck.ua
Latitude: 49.445856, Longitude: 32.0689882
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Kommentar 5

  • Sintas Dauksa

    Sintas Dauksa


    Awful, poor breakfast, it's not 4 star hotel at all. Soviet union hotel. It is worth 1star! Bad location.

  • Lion Mond

    Lion Mond


    I loved my room and the bathroom was so nice. Everything was comfortable and also at a great price. The staff treated me so friendly and even at midnight hours, the front desk receptionist was so polite and nice.

  • BrEAkr Lion Mond

    BrEAkr Lion Mond


    Friendly and excellent service. My room was pretty nice and comfortable. I’ll definitively come back.

  • Sharon L.

    Sharon L.


    We stayed here last November. The staff were exceptionally helpful, the food was delicious, and the room was comfortable. In fact, the bathroom was huge! And, there was a small living room space with a refrigerator, plates, knives, etc. for hosting. We really enjoyed our stay here. True, the style is a bit dated, but overall the experience was really positive. Three points for the hotel itself, but 5+ for the staff.

  • Gray Jack

    Gray Jack


    This hotel didn't change much since Soviet Union times - but it's clean, quiet and non-expensive. If you are not a fan of "eurostyle" - you can stay here. Also very nice position in the city. I really enjoy all my stays here.

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