Coffee Home Hostel i Львов

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10, Teatral'na St, 79000, Львов, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 67 674 7353
Latitude: 49.841463, Longitude: 24.029688
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Kommentar 5

  • Hussein Al Khales

    Hussein Al Khales


    Liliya - helpful and good staff. If i will come to Lviv again - stay in this hostel I am glad to have stayed at this hostel en The hostel rating is very nice 👍

  • Seyit Özgen

    Seyit Özgen


    This hostel has very good location and magnificent service espacially Liliya and Uliya are very good staffs and very helpful people

  • Trip Rad

    Trip Rad


    good location good staff good Wi-Fi!! I recommend!!

  • Michael Smets

    Michael Smets


    I had a good time at this hostel. Conviently located, nice atmosphere and a helpful staff. Lilly at the reception helpen me find my way through the city. There is not really a living room to chill out with other guests, but there is bit of space in the kitchen. Overall very satisfied.

  • Gökhan Şentürk

    Gökhan Şentürk


    We just stayed one night in this hostel and I'd like to say it was really comfortable and cozy as our home. They have some rooms that only for two people or you can rent a bed in the 8-shared room. In the reception, Marta was really gentle and helpful for us. I really liked her and want to say sincere thanks :)

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