Chopin i L'viv

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7, Yevhena Malanyuka Square, 79000, L'viv, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 97 222 7330
Latitude: 49.8375378, Longitude: 24.0281292
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Kommentar 5

  • Annie Brown Simon

    Annie Brown Simon


    My sister and I shared a lovely suite with a balcony overlooking a city park across the street. The geraniums we're beautiful. We had a very nice dinner of traditional Ukrainian food served by a wonderful waiter, Alex. The front desk staff was very accommodating. We stayed at two other hotels during our visit to Lviv and the Chopin was my favorite. It was very classy. I left a sweater and a scarf and some favorite haircare bottles in one of the hotels. Forgot to check the tub and closet before I left:(

  • Elena V

    Elena V


    Highly recommend. Very professional staff, personalized breakfast, fully equipped rooms

  • Julia Rogach

    Julia Rogach


    Probably one of the best hotels I have ever been to a it ticks all the right boxes. We always try to stay there if we need a place in Lviv and every time the service and staff are just outstanding. They have very attentive and polite team who make your stay very enjoyable and comfortable. The breakfast is very tasty. It also has family rooms available which makes it very easy for the stay with kids. It is also located very close to the old city. Definitely reccomend this place.

  • Елена Макс

    Елена Макс


    Super hotel in the center of Lviv. I can recommend it for everybody who likes comfort

  • rob guldemond

    rob guldemond


    Very good hotel with good service and staff. Good beds and comfortable accommodation. Friendly staff.

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