Bukovyna i Chernivtsi

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141, Holovna Street, 58000, Chernivtsi, UA Ukraine
Kontakter telefon: +380 372 585 625
Hjemmeside: bukovyna-hotel.com
Latitude: 48.2774934, Longitude: 25.9436906
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Kommentar 5

  • Zsolt Photography

    Zsolt Photography


    It was cool hotels , and very cheap so I recommend everybody

  • Kristina Kelti

    Kristina Kelti


    The hotel isn't bad. People often book it thinking it is in down town. You'll have to walk 15-20 mins to get to downtown, so be prepared for that. Building date back Soviet time, however the renovations are done. Food in restaurant is good. You'll find English menu, the staff speaks English. Hotel situated opposite the oldest park in Chernivtsi, which date back 1830 based on forest. The minus - not so many places to go nearby. Park has amusement park, if you or your kids want to have rides the location would be an advantage.

  • Corinne Olson

    Corinne Olson


    This is likely the nicest in the area but is in need of some updates. The staff are nice enough and the rooms are moderately clean. It is a 1km walk to the center so be aware of this. The water is not very hot so showers are uncomfortable. Breakfast serves local “champagne”

  • Levi Katz

    Levi Katz


    When I first went to chernvitsi my friends told me that this is the best place to stay so I went there for a night and it was pretty good beautiful hotel good service clean beautiful rooms the next night I wanted to try something new so I asked a locally and he told me to go to Alura Inn what was the same price basically and much nicer and comfortable hotel So for next time I will probably go to Alura inn

  • Andreea Maruseac

    Andreea Maruseac


    I came with a group of 100 guides and we were received very well. The reception and restaurant crew is well prepared and organised, the rooms are clean and warm.

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